Four papers
by Sudin Bhattacharya
- K Mansouri, AL Karmaus, J Fitzpatrick, G Patlewicz, P Pradeep, D Alberga, N Alepee, TEH Allen, D Allen, VM Alves, CH Andrade, TR Auernhammer, D Ballabio, S Bell, E Benfenati, S Bhattacharya, JV Bastos, S Boyd, JB Brown, SJ Capuzzi, Y Chushak, H Ciallella, AM Clark, V Consonni, PR Daga, S Ekins, S Farag, M Fedorov, D Fourches, D Gadaleta, F Gao, JM Gearhart, G Goh, JM Goodman, F Grisoni, CM Grulke, T Hartung, M Hirn, P Karpov, A Korotcov, GJ Lavado, M Lawless, X Li, T Luechtefeld, F Lunghini, GF Mangiatordi, G Marcou, D Marsh, T Martin, A Mauri, EN Muratov, GJ Myatt, DT Nguyen, O Nicolotti, R Note, P Pande, AK Parks, T Peryea, AH Polash, R Rallo, A Roncaglioni, C Rowlands, P Ruiz, DP Russo, A Sayed, R Sayre, T Sheils, C Siegel, AC Silva, A Simeonov, S Sosnin, N Southall, J Strickland, Y Tang, B Teppen, IV Tetko, D Thomas, V Tkachenko, R Todeschini, C Toma, I Tripodi, D Trisciuzzi, A Tropsha, A Varnek, K Vukovic, Z Wang, L Wang, KM Waters, AJ Wedlake, SJ Wijeyesakere, D Wilson, Z Xiao, H Yang, G Zahoranszky-Kohalmi, AV Zakharov, FF Zhang, Z Zhang, T Zhao, H Zhu, KM Zorn, W Casey, and NC Kleinstreuer. CATMoS: Collaborative Acute Toxicity Modeling Suite. Environ Health Perspect 129 (4) : 47013 (Apr 30, 2021). [abstract] [pubmed]
- PD McMullen, S Bhattacharya, CG Woods, SN Pendse, MT McBride, VY Soldatow, C Deisenroth, EL LeCluyse, RA Clewell, and ME Andersen. Identifying qualitative differences in PPARĪ± signaling networks in human and rat hepatocytes and their significance for next generation chemical risk assessment methods. Toxicol In Vitro 64 : 104463 (Apr 15, 2020). [abstract] [pubmed]
- N Josyula, ME Andersen, NE Kaminski, E Dere, TR Zacharewski, and S Bhattacharya. Gene co-regulation and co-expression in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated transcriptional regulatory network in the mouse liver. Arch Toxicol 94 (1) : 113-126 (Jan 14, 2020). [abstract] [pubmed]
- Q Zhang, WM Caudle, J Pi, S Bhattacharya, ME Andersen, NE Kaminski, and RB Conolly. Embracing Systems Toxicology at Single-Cell Resolution. Curr Opin Toxicol 16 : 49-57 (Aug 19, 2019). [abstract] [pubmed]