Papers 1–10 of
by Rebecca A Clewell
- RA Clewell, JA Leonard, CI Nicolas, JL Campbell, M Yoon, AY Efremenko, PD McMullen, ME Andersen, HJ Clewell, KA Phillips, and YM Tan. Application of a combined aggregate exposure pathway and adverse outcome pathway (AEP-AOP) approach to inform a cumulative risk assessment: A case study with phthalates. Toxicol In Vitro 66 : 104855 (Aug 8, 2020). [abstract] [pubmed]
- PD McMullen, S Bhattacharya, CG Woods, SN Pendse, MT McBride, VY Soldatow, C Deisenroth, EL LeCluyse, RA Clewell, and ME Andersen. Identifying qualitative differences in PPARĪ± signaling networks in human and rat hepatocytes and their significance for next generation chemical risk assessment methods. Toxicol In Vitro 64 : 104463 (Apr 15, 2020). [abstract] [pubmed]
- T Beames, M Moreau, LA Roberts, K Mansouri, S Haider, M Smeltz, CI Nicolas, D Doheny, MB Phillips, M Yoon, RA Becker, PD McMullen, ME Andersen, RA Clewell, and JK Hartman. The role of fit-for-purpose assays within tiered testing approaches: A case study evaluating prioritized estrogen-active compounds in an in vitro human uterotrophic assay. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 387 : 114774 (Jan 15, 2020). [abstract] [pubmed]
- PD McMullen, SN Pendse, MB Black, K Mansouri, S Haider, ME Andersen, and RA Clewell. Addressing systematic inconsistencies between in vitro and in vivo transcriptomic mode of action signatures. Toxicol In Vitro 58 : 1-12 (Aug 23, 2019). [abstract] [pubmed]
- PD McMullen, SN Pendse, MB Black, K Mansouri, S Haider, ME Andersen, and RA Clewell. Addressing systematic inconsistencies between in vitro and in vivo transcriptomic mode of action signatures. Toxicol In Vitro 58 : 1-12 (Aug 23, 2019). [abstract] [pubmed]
- HJ Clewell, PR Gentry, CE Hack, T Greene, and RA Clewell. An evaluation of the USEPA Proposed Approaches for applying a biologically based dose-response model in a risk assessment for perchlorate in drinking water. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 103 : 237-252 (Apr 29, 2019). [abstract] [pubmed]
- BA Wetmore, RA Clewell, B Cholewa, B Parks, SN Pendse, MB Black, K Mansouri, S Haider, EL Berg, RS Judson, KA Houck, M Martin, HJ Clewell, ME Andersen, RS Thomas, and PD McMullen. Assessing bioactivity-exposure profiles of fruit and vegetable extracts in the BioMAP profiling system. Toxicol In Vitro 54 : 41-57 (Feb 12, 2019). [abstract] [pubmed]
- ME Andersen, PD McMullen, MB Phillips, M Yoon, SN Pendse, HJ Clewell, JK Hartman, M Moreau, RA Becker, and RA Clewell. Developing context appropriate toxicity testing approaches using new alternative methods (NAMs). ALTEX 36 (4) : 523-534 (Jan 1, 2019). [abstract] [pubmed]
- S Haider, MB Black, BB Parks, B Foley, BA Wetmore, ME Andersen, RA Clewell, K Mansouri, and PD McMullen. A Qualitative Modeling Approach for Whole Genome Prediction Using High-Throughput Toxicogenomics Data and Pathway-Based Validation. Front Pharmacol 9 : 1072 (Oct 2, 2018). [abstract] [pubmed]
- JK Hartman, T Beames, B Parks, D Doheny, G Song, M Yoon, B Foley, C Deisenroth, PD McMullen, RA Clewell, and AY Efremenko. An in vitro approach for prioritization and evaluation of chemical effects on glucocorticoid receptor mediated adipogenesis. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 355 : 112-126 (Sep 15, 2018). [abstract] [pubmed]