One paper
by ScitoVation authors
K Mansouri,
AL Karmaus,
J Fitzpatrick,
G Patlewicz,
P Pradeep,
D Alberga,
N Alepee,
TEH Allen,
D Allen,
VM Alves,
CH Andrade,
TR Auernhammer,
D Ballabio,
S Bell,
E Benfenati,
S Bhattacharya,
JV Bastos,
S Boyd,
JB Brown,
SJ Capuzzi,
Y Chushak,
H Ciallella,
AM Clark,
V Consonni,
PR Daga,
S Ekins,
S Farag,
M Fedorov,
D Fourches,
D Gadaleta,
F Gao,
JM Gearhart,
G Goh,
JM Goodman,
F Grisoni,
CM Grulke,
T Hartung,
M Hirn,
P Karpov,
A Korotcov,
GJ Lavado,
M Lawless,
X Li,
T Luechtefeld,
F Lunghini,
GF Mangiatordi,
G Marcou,
D Marsh,
T Martin,
A Mauri,
EN Muratov,
GJ Myatt,
DT Nguyen,
O Nicolotti,
R Note,
P Pande,
AK Parks,
T Peryea,
AH Polash,
R Rallo,
A Roncaglioni,
C Rowlands,
P Ruiz,
DP Russo,
A Sayed,
R Sayre,
T Sheils,
C Siegel,
AC Silva,
A Simeonov,
S Sosnin,
N Southall,
J Strickland,
Y Tang,
B Teppen,
IV Tetko,
D Thomas,
V Tkachenko,
R Todeschini,
C Toma,
I Tripodi,
D Trisciuzzi,
A Tropsha,
A Varnek,
K Vukovic,
Z Wang,
L Wang,
KM Waters,
AJ Wedlake,
SJ Wijeyesakere,
D Wilson,
Z Xiao,
H Yang,
G Zahoranszky-Kohalmi,
AV Zakharov,
FF Zhang,
Z Zhang,
T Zhao,
H Zhu,
KM Zorn,
W Casey,
NC Kleinstreuer.
CATMoS: Collaborative Acute Toxicity Modeling Suite.
Environ Health Perspect
: 47013
(Apr 30, 2021).
Humans are exposed to tens of thousands of chemical substances that need to be assessed for their potential toxicity. Acute systemic toxicity testing serves as the basis for regulatory hazard classification, labeling, and risk management. However, it is cost- and time-prohibitive to evaluate all new and existing chemicals using traditional rodent acute toxicity tests. In silico models built using existing data facilitate rapid acute toxicity predictions without using animals.