Three papers
by Paul Hinderliter
published in 2020
- YM Tan, M Chan, A Chukwudebe, J Domoradzki, J Fisher, CE Hack, P Hinderliter, K Hirasawa, J Leonard, A Lumen, A Paini, H Qian, P Ruiz, J Wambaugh, F Zhang, and M Embry. PBPK model reporting template for chemical risk assessment applications. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 115 : 104691 (Aug 2, 2020). [abstract] [pubmed]
- P Mallick, G Song, AY Efremenko, SN Pendse, MR Creek, TG Osimitz, RN Hines, P Hinderliter, HJ Clewell, BG Lake, M Yoon, and M Moreau. Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling in Risk Assessment: Case Study With Pyrethroids. Toxicol Sci 176 (2) : 460-469 (Aug 1, 2020). [abstract] [pubmed]
- P Mallick, M Moreau, G Song, AY Efremenko, SN Pendse, MR Creek, TG Osimitz, RN Hines, P Hinderliter, HJ Clewell, BG Lake, and M Yoon. Development and Application of a Life-Stage Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Model to the Assessment of Internal Dose of Pyrethroids in Humans. Toxicol Sci 173 (1) : 86-99 (Jan 1, 2020). [abstract] [pubmed]