Papers 11–19 of
by ScitoVation authors
published in 2018
- G Cruzan, JS Bus, ME Andersen, GP Carlson, MI Banton, SS Sarang, and R Waites. Based on an analysis of mode of action, styrene-induced mouse lung tumors are not a human cancer concern. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 95 : 17-28 (Jun 26, 2018). [abstract] [pubmed]
- AD McEachran, K Mansouri, SR Newton, BEJ Beverly, JR Sobus, and AJ Williams. A comparison of three liquid chromatography (LC) retention time prediction models. Talanta 182 : 371-379 (May 15, 2018). [abstract] [pubmed]
- JA Leonard, C Stevens, K Mansouri, D Chang, H Pudukodu, S Smith, and YM Tan. A Workflow for Identifying Metabolically Active Chemicals to Complement in vitro Toxicity Screening. Comput Toxicol 6 : 71-83 (May 1, 2018). [abstract] [pubmed]
- AJ Clippinger, D Allen, AM Jarabek, M Corvaro, M Gaça, S Gehen, JA Hotchkiss, G Patlewicz, J Melbourne, P Hinderliter, M Yoon, D Huh, A Lowit, B Buckley, M Bartels, K BéruBé, DM Wilson, I Indans, and M Vinken. Alternative approaches for acute inhalation toxicity testing to address global regulatory and non-regulatory data requirements: An international workshop report. Toxicol In Vitro 48 : 53-70 (Apr 22, 2018). [abstract] [pubmed]
- JL Campbell, M Yoon, PL Ward, H Fromme, W Kessler, MB Phillips, WA Anderson, HJ Clewell, and MP Longnecker. Excretion of Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) metabolites in urine is related to body mass index because of higher energy intake in the overweight and obese. Environ Int 113 : 91-99 (Apr 6, 2018). [abstract] [pubmed]
- K Mansouri, CM Grulke, RS Judson, and AJ Williams. OPERA models for predicting physicochemical properties and environmental fate endpoints. J Cheminform 10 (1) : 10 (Mar 8, 2018). [abstract] [pubmed]
- SM Bell, X Chang, JF Wambaugh, DG Allen, M Bartels, KLR Brouwer, WM Casey, N Choksi, SS Ferguson, G Fraczkiewicz, AM Jarabek, A Ke, A Lumen, SG Lynn, A Paini, PS Price, C Ring, TW Simon, NS Sipes, CS Sprankle, J Strickland, J Troutman, BA Wetmore, and NC Kleinstreuer. In vitro to in vivo extrapolation for high throughput prioritization and decision making. Toxicol In Vitro 47 : 213-227 (Mar 5, 2018). [abstract] [pubmed]
- L Truong, G Ouedraogo, L Pham, J Clouzeau, S Loisel-Joubert, D Blanchet, H Noçairi, W Setzer, R Judson, C Grulke, K Mansouri, and M Martin. Predicting in vivo effect levels for repeat-dose systemic toxicity using chemical, biological, kinetic and study covariates. Arch Toxicol 92 (2) : 587-600 (Feb 27, 2018). [abstract] [pubmed]
- CL Strope, K Mansouri, HJ Clewell, JR Rabinowitz, C Stevens, and JF Wambaugh. High-throughput in-silico prediction of ionization equilibria for pharmacokinetic modeling. Sci Total Environ 615 : 150-160 (Feb 15, 2018). [abstract] [pubmed]